50 Engaging Monroe’s Motivated Sequence Topics for Persuasive Speeches

Are you struggling to find the perfect topic for your persuasive speech? As someone who once feared public speaking, I understand the struggle. But fear not, because I’ve done my research and found 50 engaging Monroe’s Motivated Sequence topics that will make your speech powerful and impactful. This blog post is here to guide you through the process of crafting a persuasive speech that will captivate your audience from start to finish. Join me as we explore the world of persuasive speaking and uncover some compelling topics that will leave a lasting impression on your listeners.

Key Takeaways

  • Pick a topic that matters to you and your audience for a powerful speech. Choose issues you are passionate about, like environmental problems or social justice. Make sure the topic is also important to your listeners.
  • Use Monroe’s Motivated Sequence in your speech. This method helps structure your talk from showing a problem to offering a solution. It makes your message clear and strong.
  • Tell stories or use examples in your speech. Sharing personal stories or real – life examples can connect with people’s emotions and make them remember what you said.
  • Know who you are speaking to before giving your speech. Understanding their interests helps tailor your message so it resonates more deeply with them.
  • End with a strong call to action. Inspire people to do something about the issue after listening to your speech. Give them specific ways they can help make a difference.

How to pick the right persuasive speech topic

Picking the right topic for a persuasive speech can seem like a big task. I found out the hard way that the best topics are ones I care about deeply and know will grab people’s attention.

It’s crucial to choose something that not only interests you but also matters to your audience. Using Monroe’s Motivated Sequence, I learned to pick issues that could be structured in a clear problem-solution pattern.

This approach made my speeches more impactful because it laid out a clear path from highlighting an issue to presenting a solution.

I always start by listing subjects I feel passionate about, whether it’s environmental issues, social justice, politics, or education. Then, I narrow down these ideas based on what my audience cares about most.

This step is key because connecting with your audience’s interests makes your message stronger and more engaging. The power of Monroe’s Motivated Sequence comes alive when you apply it to topics that resonate both personally and broadly – pushing for change while keeping everyone invested in your message.

What makes a good speech topic

A good speech topic grabs the audience’s attention right from the start. I learned this through my journey in Toastmasters International, where Monroe’s Motivated Sequence showed me the power of a well-chosen topic.

This method relies on selecting issues that resonate with people’s emotions and intellect. A compelling topic should highlight a need or problem, propose a clear solution, and motivate the audience towards action.

It must be something they care about or find relevant to their lives.

I discovered that effective topics often stem from current events, personal passions, or widespread social issues. They should be specific enough to address within the limits of a speech but broad enough to engage a wide range of listeners.

Using Monroe’s sequence made me realize that combining facts with emotional appeal can make any subject matter powerful and persuasive. Crafting speeches around problems with tangible solutions helps not only capture attention but also leaves a lasting impact long after the talk is over.

Finding Local and Topical Topics

Pick the right persuasive topic that suits your local and current affairs, ensuring relevance and interest. For more tips, read on.

The importance of relevance

The relevance of a persuasive speech topic can greatly impact the audience’s engagement and response. When crafting a speech, it’s essential to choose topics that are current and directly related to the community or society.

It ensures that the audience is able to relate, understand, and connect with the message being presented. By discussing local or topical issues, such as recent events or challenges in the community, we not only capture our audience’s attention but also demonstrate our understanding of their concerns and interests.

This helps create a powerful connection between speaker and audience.

Example: The \’Wellywood\’ sign saga

Now, let’s see how a local issue can be turned into a persuasive speech topic. For instance, the “Wellywood” sign saga in Wellington, New Zealand stirred controversy and sparked debates about cultural representation and identity.

This provides an opportunity to discuss the importance of addressing relevant local issues that resonate with the audience’s experiences and values. It’s crucial to connect with topics that people care about passionately to create impact and engagement when delivering a persuasive speech.

Using this List of Speech Topic Suggestions

Explore a variety of captivating speech topic suggestions to fuel your persuasive prowess. Delve into an array of engaging titles and unleash your persuasive potential. For more details, keep reading!

Categorizing topics by subject

When selecting persuasive speech topics, it’s important to categorize them by subject. Here are some categories to consider:

  1. Animals/Birds: Topics such as animal rights, endangered species protection, and pet adoption.
  2. Social/Community: Issues like homelessness, community service, and the impact of social media.
  3. Environmental Issues: Addressing climate change, renewable energy, and recycling initiatives.
  4. Education: Exploring topics like standardized testing, the importance of arts education, and homeschooling advantages.
  5. Politics and Law: Covering subjects such as immigration reform, gun control laws, and civil rights advocacy.

Each subject category can offer a range of engaging persuasive speech topics for your audience.

Identifying interesting and engaging titles

As we wrap up our discussion on categorizing topics by subject, I’m here to guide you through identifying interesting and engaging titles for your persuasive speech. It’s crucial to select topics that captivate your audience and evoke curiosity.

Add a touch of creativity and relevance to make your speech stand out. Remember, the right title can pique interest from the start!

By browsing through the list of 100+ examples, you can find inspiration in various categories such as animals/birds, social/community issues, environmental concerns, education matters, politics, and law.

Harness these ideas to craft attention-grabbing titles that resonate with your audience while addressing pertinent issues or sparking meaningful conversations. Keep in mind that impactful phrases or catchy language can also enhance the overall appeal of your speech topic.

100+ Examples of Good Persuasive Speech Topics

Check out our comprehensive list of over 100 good persuasive speech topics to ignite your creativity and inspire your next powerful presentation.


I love how animals and birds can captivate an audience when used as persuasive speech topics. With Monroe’s Motivated Sequence, I can engage the listeners by highlighting the importance of animal conservation or bird migration patterns.

Using factual evidence, I’ll address their needs and satisfaction while visualizing a world where these creatures are protected and flourishing. By ending with a strong call to action, I hope to inspire others to join in preserving our diverse wildlife and avian species for future generations.


Now, let’s shift our attention to persuasive speech topics related to social and community issues. These topics can cover a range of subjects that affect the well-being and interactions of people within a society.

It is important to choose topics that resonate with the audience and bring about awareness or change in societal norms. For instance, one could address the impact of social media on mental health or explore ways to promote inclusivity and diversity within communities.

Perhaps, discussing the significance of volunteering in local neighborhoods or advocating for mental health support services would also be impactful.

Environmental Issues

Environmental issues play a significant role in persuasive speeches. These topics can encompass pollution, climate change, deforestation, and wildlife conservation. Sharing alarming statistics about the rate of deforestation or the impact of plastic pollution on marine life can evoke strong emotions in an audience.

Discussing actionable solutions such as supporting renewable energy or advocating for sustainable practices in everyday life provides a powerful call to action. For instance, I often emphasize the urgency of reducing plastic usage by highlighting that over 8 million tons of plastic end up in our oceans annually, impacting marine ecosystems.

The use of Monroe’s Motivated Sequence allows us to structure persuasive messages effectively by capturing attention with compelling facts and figures about environmental degradation.

Building a persuasive speech around these crucial issues is not only timely but also resonates deeply with audiences who seek transformational change through their collective actions.


Education is an important aspect of persuasive speech topics. It covers a wide range, from encouraging better support for public schools to advocating for more accessible college education.

Persuasive speeches on education can focus on the importance of lifelong learning and how it contributes to personal growth and success in life. Various approaches like motivating students, involvement of parents, and improving teaching methods are essential components shaping engaging persuasive speeches about education.

Now let’s move on to exploring “Politics and Law.”

Politics and Law

Politics and Law play a crucial role in persuasive speeches. When choosing topics in these areas, it’s important to consider current issues that affect people directly. Utilizing strategies like problem-solution or cause-effect can help convey the significance of the topic.

For instance, addressing concerns about voting rights or debating laws related to environmental protection can engage audiences effectively. By providing concrete examples and relevant statistics, the audience can be motivated to take action on significant political and legal matters.

This is especially vital for engaging an audience with diverse interests and perspectives. Using Monroe’s Motivated Sequence provides structure to deliver compelling speeches on politics and law, aiming to evoke actionable responses from listeners while presenting factual information effectively on pertinent issues.

Tips for Crafting an Impressive Persuasive Speech

Craft a persuasive speech that captivates your audience with powerful language, engaging storytelling, and a compelling call to action. To learn more about crafting an impressive persuasive speech, visit the full blog post for valuable insights and techniques.

Understand your audience

Understanding your audience is crucial in persuasive speaking. Before crafting your speech, I always spend time researching and getting to know the people who will be listening. This helps me tailor my message to what matters most to them.

By understanding their interests, beliefs, and concerns, I can deliver a speech that resonates deeply with them. It also allows me to anticipate any objections or questions they might have so that I can address them effectively during the speech.

Speaking from personal experience, knowing my audience has been a game-changer in my speaking journey. It’s like having a roadmap that guides me on how to connect with my listeners and leave a lasting impact.

Use persuasive language and tactics

To craft an impactful speech, I must use persuasive language and tactics that resonate with my audience. By employing rhetorical strategies and powerful persuasion techniques, I can effectively convey my message.

It’s essential to captivate the audience’s attention and keep them engaged throughout the speech. Strategic use of visualization can help the audience connect emotionally with the topic, making it more relatable.

Using a problem-solution approach and painting a vivid picture of the desired outcome will inspire action in the listeners.

Moreover, I should utilize storytelling techniques to illustrate key points and make them memorable. Understanding my audience is crucial for tailoring my language to their needs and values.

Utilize storytelling techniques

When crafting a persuasive speech, I utilize storytelling techniques to captivate the audience’s attention. Sharing personal narratives and relatable anecdotes helps in establishing an emotional connection with the listeners.

Through storytelling, I paint vivid pictures that resonate with the audience, making the persuasive message more memorable and impactful. Incorporating real-life examples and experiences brings authenticity to my speeches, effectively illustrating the significance of the topic at hand.

By weaving compelling stories into my speeches, I engage the audience on a deeper level and inspire them to take action.

I understand how powerful storytelling can be from my own experience in overcoming fear of public speaking. Sharing personal anecdotes helped me connect with my audience as they could relate to my journey of improvement through practice and dedication.

Practice and deliver with confidence

To be a confident speaker, practice your speech many times. Understand the topic deeply and know your audience well. Use persuasive language and storytelling techniques to engage them.

Stand tall, make eye contact, and use hand gestures. Visualize success and believe in yourself. Finally, deliver your speech with passion and conviction. Remember, confidence comes with practice.

Now let’s delve into crafting an impressive persuasive speech!

The power of a strong call to action

A strong call to action can drive your audience to take a specific step or make a change. It’s essential in persuasive speeches because it motivates people to act on the message you’ve delivered.

For instance, using phrases like “Join us in making a difference today” or “Let’s work together for change” can inspire your audience towards action. This is where persuasion becomes tangible, and your words have the potential to influence real outcomes.

By implementing Monroe’s Motivated Sequence and incorporating an effective call to action, the impact of your speech can be maximized. With this approach, you are guiding your audience through a structured journey that captures attention, addresses needs, provides satisfaction, visualizes the desired outcome, and ultimately encourages them to take action.


As we wrap up, let’s bring in Dr. Elizabeth Harper, a renowned expert in public speaking and persuasive communication. With over 20 years of experience teaching at prestigious universities and advising corporate leaders on effective speech techniques, Dr.

Harper has an unmatched depth of knowledge in crafting impactful speeches using Monroe’s Motivated Sequence.

Dr. Harper praises the sequence for its structured approach to persuasion. She notes that by capturing attention and clearly outlining a need before presenting a solution, speakers can connect more deeply with their audiences.

This method not only makes speeches more engaging but also drives listeners toward action based on well-presented arguments supported by facts and figures.

Concerning ethics and transparency, Dr. Harper emphasizes the importance of using Monroe’s Motivated Sequence responsibly. She reminds us that while it’s powerful, speakers should ensure they present truthful information and respect their audience’s intelligence and autonomy.

For integrating these topics into daily life or specific contexts like business presentations or classroom settings, she advises starting with familiar issues before venturing into complex subjects.

This strategy helps maintain audience engagement while building speaker confidence.

Dr. Harper believes this method stands out for its ability to adapt across different themes from education to environmental issues. However, she acknowledges its potential drawback: if used ineffectively without considering audience nuances, it might not reach its full persuasive potential compared to other methods which might offer simpler structures for certain contexts.

In her final verdict, Dr. Harper endorses Monroe’s Motivated Sequence as an invaluable tool for anyone looking to make a persuasive argument stick with their audience—whether they’re beginners or seasoned speakers seeking refinement of their skills.

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